This new feature allows you to create combo packages for any service (i.e. Group or Personal classes) with video subscriptions. 

Here are the benefits/highlights of this feature: 

1. Monetize your videos easily

2. You can now design a combo package

3. Your students will have more resources to use, which could guarantee a higher retention in the future

Here are the steps on how to use the feature

1. Log into Admin Console

2. Click on Online Classes -> Video Recordings 

3. Click "Add New Recording" (Top Right)

4. Once you've filled in details and added the URL for your unlisted video, you will be given 3 options [See screenshot below] 

5. Make sure "Any Active Plan" is selected. This means that a student who has an active subscription to any other service (i.e. Group or Personal Class), they will have access to this video. 

6. Click "Create Video". 

PS - If "Active Video Plans" is selected, a student will only be access if they have if they have an active video subscription

Please watch this for a walkthrough about the combo packages feature:

** Find out more about Unlisted videos & Video Subscriptions here.