Watch the following video to learn how you can send a Payment Link while creating a Manual Subscription for an international student with a foreign number:

Written Instructions

Here's how you can send a Payment Link while creating a Manual Subscription for an International student without a valid Indian mobile number:

1. Log into admin 

2. Subscription -> New

3. Enter Student and Plan details 

4. Once you reach "Step 4: Enter payment details", you need to click on "Payment Gateway" and check the box for "Yes, the studio will absorb the payment gateway charges" [Screenshot Attached Below]. 

5. Scroll down and hit "Confirm Details"
6. You'll get a message saying " Review everything below and then click on "Register" as well as the following error message. 

7. Scroll down and click "Create Invoice" [You can ignore the error message]. 

8. You'll then see this message [Screenshot Attached Below] and this means the student has received the Payment Link via SMS

9. Click on the student's name from the above screenshot 

10. On the top right, you'll see "Send Payment Link" 

11. Copy/Paste the link shown to WhatsApp/E-mail [Or whichever communication platform you use to contact the student]

**Please note: These instructions are only applicable for students who don't have a valid Indian Indian phone number.
To learn how to how you can send a Payment Link while creating a Manual Subscription for an Indian student, please visit: